We will provide you the information and service you need to reduce risk and protect your agency. 我们的团队将为您找到最具价值的项目. IA&B works with reputable, established carriers to find top-quality coverage.
独立保险代理需要独特的保险范围选择. 我们提供:
错误 & 遗漏(E&O)
你的保险单是否符合它的价值? 我们可以研究一下能给你提供更多选择的项目, 这样你就可以为你的生意做出最好的决定. 保险代理人 & 经纪服务集团有限公司. works with reputable, established carriers that offer high quality programs. We will provide you the information and service you need to reduce risk and protect your agency.
Benefit from working with a team who know the unique needs of independent agencies. IA&B通过以下方式保护你的业务:
- 业界领先的理赔服务
- 训练有素,有执照的专业人员
- 与老牌运营商的关系
- 任何规模的机构的选择
大多数E&政策不包括数据泄露, and most cyber endorsements do not adequately address the exposures of an insurance agent. 以避免损害贵公司的财务和声誉, 一个可靠的隐私和数据泄露政策变得越来越重要.
网络犯罪对机构及其客户构成了实实在在的威胁. Data breach is not just about cyber security—hackers, portable devices, and stolen laptops. It includes indiscretions and negligent disclosures that can occur within your agency and lead to a breach.
IA&B can help independent agencies navigate legal compliance requirements and build prevention strategies. We can add another layer of protection with our cyber insurance offering.
Employment-related lawsuits filed against an agency are costly to defend and even more costly if a settlement is required or damages are awarded to the plaintiff.
Agencies need a comprehensive Employment Practices Liability 保险 (EPLI) policy because standard business liability insurance policies often do not provide sufficient coverage for costs associated with employee lawsuits.
通过购买EPLI保单, 你方代理将投保过去所提出的索赔, 现有和潜在员工, 包括对年龄歧视的索赔, 性, 比赛, 等.), 性ual harassment, wrongful termination, and a variety of other employment related allegations
有时你现有的商业范围和错误 & 遗漏限制并不足以完全保护您的业务. And your commercial coverage adds no personal protection for you and your family.
Underwritten by Penn National 保险 with payment plans available by premium level, you have affordable options to secure stable coverage that will fully protect your agency.
IA&B’s agents’ umbrella program provides excess coverage for the following underlying policies:
- 错误 & 遗漏
- 一般责任/防喷器
- 商用汽车责任
- 可选的个人伞为业主,官员和合作伙伴
- 可选就业实践
(须额外收费,并须获核保批准) - 雇主责任(不包括纽约), Employee Benefits Liability and Mutual Fund or Variable Annuities coverage
You will get a policy tailored to your agency’s exposures delivered through friendly, IA的个人服务&B的持牌专家. 任何规模的机构都可以从内部审计中受益&B的伞形计划:
- 竞争性费率结构
- 任何规模保单的付款计划
- Comprehensive coverage that extends over most underlying policies and responds in following form
David Wertz, CPIA,保险安置专家
DavidW@IABforME.com •800-998-9644,分机. 506
董事 & 军官(D&O)
帮助保护管理团队的个人财产, which is increasingly vulnerable to claims for alleged wrongdoing in a wide variety of contexts. Losses due to suits or fines can be brought by customers, regulators, competitors, and more.
- 私营企业 面临与上市公司几乎相同的风险.
- 家族企业 经常处理更有争议和昂贵的索赔.
- 其他保单的承保范围 (防喷器,伞)与专用的防喷器相比是有限的&O政策.
IA&解析:选B。&O liability coverage designed to help protect your agency against exposures associated with management actions and decisions. 承保范围包括:
- 保护高管和公司本身
- 被保险人、索赔和损失的广义定义
- 对于未获赔偿的损失,没有免赔额
- 自定义覆盖选项
- Limits available for non-indemnified loss and options for defense costs in addition to 覆盖率 aggregate
如果您有问题或想预约,请联系 IA&B保险代理公司高级总监Kevin Hord:
Kevin Hord, CIC, CPCU, ACLS, MBA
IA&B是美国国家E的骄傲和独家代理商&宾夕法尼亚州和马里兰州的O项目 & 特拉华州. 尤蒂卡 National is known for stability in the marketplace and outstanding claims department. Agents that select this program know that they have solid protection for their agency.
尤蒂卡为投保人提供E&O自我评估, loss control articles and real world claim examples to help minimize the chance of an E&O事件.
尤蒂卡提供了几种付款方式&O溢价 including EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), debit/credit card, online, phone, and check. Payment can be made in full over one of the several installment plan options provided. Learn more about payment plans offered and related fees or contact information.
电话: 800-598-8422; E&O索赔
传真: 888-538-2018
- 邮件
“尤蒂卡绝对有最适合E机构的政策表格&O, 他们每年都允许我提高我的极限, which I’m a believer in buying as much insurance as you can afford without throwing out crazy red flags, 所以我对这些限制很满意, 覆盖率, 并将在未来的许多年里继续与尤蒂卡合作.”
蒂芙尼·诺兰,代理负责人i.e. 保险有限责任公司
Learn what’s new with the RPG policy form from 瑞士再保险企业解决方案. Please see the two PDFs below for more information – Overview of Changes and Changes to New RPG Policy Form. 这些重要的变化将于2月10日生效. 1, 2022.
IA&B是一个骄傲的和 瑞士再保险企业解决方案的独家代理 E&宾夕法尼亚州的项目 & 特拉华州. This program is known for stability in the marketplace and outstanding claims department. Agents that select this program know that they have outstanding protection for their agency.
参加风险采购小组(RPG), policyholders in Pennsylvania and 特拉华州 must be a member in good standing with IA&B.
不是最佳电子竞技即时竞猜平台? 很容易! 点击此链接或联系:
这个风险管理信用项目可以降低你的信用风险&O溢价. Credit not applicable for policyholders written on the non-member/open brokerage policy form.
Note the 10% credit can be increased to a maximum 20% by meeting other criteria.
对你们机构运作的回顾是可用的. 自愿完成此审查可能使您有资格获得10%的E&O下次续费时,保费抵免有效期为五年. 根据所选择的审核员,收取单独的费用.
大I风险管理网站- E&O发生
- 常见的错误导致E&O索赔
- 现实生活案例学习
- 免责声明、程序和客户信函示例
- 操作自我评价
- E&O的文章
- E&O理赔顾问通讯
- 网络研讨会和播客以及更多
瑞士再保险联盟计划,由友邦保险独家提供&在PA和DE内注册或区域管理的代理网络为B, 为成员提供了一个专门设计的群组E&O程序. 这个唯一的E&O程序 offers a two policy structure (one for the master and one for the member agencies) with no sharing of limits and uniform coverage. The single member policy structure allows for group pricing and underwriting while allowing members the flexibility to select their own limits, 免赔额, 延长报告期(ERP), 以及独特的背书.
Agency network members should discuss the possibility of establishing an Alliance program with their master agent. For additional information please have your master agent contact 保险 Agency Senior Director, Kevin C. 霍德(KevinH@IABforME.com 或800-998-9644分机. 209)直接请求进一步援助.
参与者可以节省更多的个人E&O溢价 by satisfying the Alliance Risk Management Credit program requirements. 取决于完成批准的研讨会的机构工作人员的数量, 可以申请10%或15%的信用证. Please note that the credit is only applicable upon the program’s annual renewal and does not apply to those members joining on a pro-rated basis during a given policy term.
One of the biggest resources for you is our staff – consider us an extension of your office. 这是最佳电子竞技即时竞猜平台价值的一部分. When you have a question about coverages, save yourself time and frustration, and contact us first. 我们的存在是为了帮助你们的机构而不仅仅是生存, 但在当今竞争激烈的保险环境中茁壮成长.
机械堡,PA 17055
机械堡,PA 17055